Today’s contentment? Sponsored by a productive therapy session

about us

Life is complicated. Getting help shouldn’t be

We offer in person session in our offices in St. Thomas, Ontario, as well as online sessions through our secure platform. We love virtual sessions because we get to come to you, wherever you happen to be. Work, home, on vacation, hiding in the closet. Possibly the car. (Hey, we have kids. We know this isn’t easy.)

PHONE: 506-346-2655

counselling services

Individual Counselling

Anxiety, relationship issues, family difficulties, work and career, depression, adulting (ugh, so hard), trauma, PTSD, infertility, parenting struggles, and pretty much anything you want to explore. No judgement. No psycho-babble. No toxic positivity. Just you time with someone who can help.

Couple Counselling

Blame, shame, bickering, and the same old fights that never get resolved make it hard to remember who you used to be. Let’s work on it, together. Because staying together doesn’t mean settling, or tolerating the same old unresolved fights. You can actually like each other again. Really.

Children & Teens

Growing up is hard. Parenting is hard. It’s not just you. Kids don’t come with a manual. Parenting and kids are different now, and no one prepared us for a generation of kids with smart phones. We help kids, teens, and their worried parents manage the challenges of raising kids in “unprecedented times.”


Sucking things up on your own doesn’t work, and usually makes it worse. Things like anger issues, relationship problems, and confusion about who you are can happen. We can help. Even if your partner said to go to counselling and you don’t know why.

might be for me

ADHD, FASD, Autism

We get neurodiversity. Big time. If you’re worried about your child’s new diagnosis, or maybe your own, we can help you learn more. Different brains mean different strategies, tools, and ways to be in the world.

neurospicy issues

Co-Parenting Separation, Divorce

We can help bring calmness to the separation process, wherever your family is at in the process. Even if you’re stuck in the court system and feel like you may be there forever. Even if your ex is a total narcissist.

Service Name

ugh. please help
Coparenting counselling St. Thomas Ontario

High Conflict/Court Involved Separation?

We know that many agencies will not work with parents and children involved with family court. Not us. We’re trained in conflict resolution, co-parenting work, and helping children cope and adjust to new transitions and changes in their family.

Ready to make some changes? 506-346-2655 or email us at

Not everyone is good at phone calls. Here’s a handy form instead.