Parenting during and following parental separation can be really rough. You’ve decided to separate because you no longer get along, you’ve been fighting, or there’s been infidelity. And now you’re supposed to co-parent and share parenting time and decision making?? The irony of trying to get along well enough to parent together and to help your kids through their parents divorce isn’t lost on us. And we can help!
We offer a variety of co-parenting services both here and through our sister site at The Ontario Co-Parenting Centre.
Parents who have recently decided to separate can have professional support in deciding what and when to tell the children and how to make plans for successful co-parenting as they move forward. We can help you draft your parenting plan or separation agreement and skip the court system (and the expense of legal and court fees) altogether. We can also help you navigate any difficult subjects, such as new partners, who’s going where and when, and upset kiddos to make this transition just little bit easier for everyone.
If you’re already involved in the courts, don’t worry! Unlike most counselling agencies, we welcome separating parents and families involved with the courts because we know that this is usually the time that families need the most help. We can help you figure out next steps, provide counselling and mediation, and support your kids to cut the stress and keep the conflict down.
And if you’re co-parenting with someone who is extremely high conflict, we have the tools to help settle things down and stay on track. Our practice has high conflict specialists trained to work with parents to restructure boundaries, assist in arranging separation agreements, provide mediation, and help to develop and follow co-parenting plans. We have skilled and trained therapists to work with children to manage the strain of being caught in the middle.
We know the kids may need some help and we’re here for them. When conflict is high, or there are concerns about parental alienation, or one or more of the children is resisting spending time with a parent, parents and children need someone trained to address these issues in a safe and appropriate way. This is not the time for any old child therapist who wants to “give children a voice.” Kids absolutely need a voice. But we need to make sure that the child is expressing their own voice, free of influence from one or both parents. Without that type of training, therapy can do more harm than good.
We have child and adolescent therapists to work with your kids, male and female therapists who can work with adults, parenting coaches, a divorce coach, and high conflict specialists to help the entire family navigate the tough stuff of parental separation and co-parenting.
We offer the following services:
- Separation counselling and tools for parents beginning the separation process
- Play/Art/Talk therapy for kids and adolescents
- Mediation
- Parenting plans and separation agreements
- Counselling and therapeutic support for all family members
- Voice of the Child Reports
- s. 30 Custody Assessments (now referred to as Parenting Time and Decision Making Evaluations)
- Parenting Coordination Services
- Parental Alienation and Resist/Refuse Consults and interventions for children and parents
- Consultations for professionals and parents to manage high conflict coparents, children resisting contact, and to prepare for OCL or private parenting time assessments